
The Future of Mai Wei - My Next Journey

A Journey Neverending - YoM Day 365

Take Care of Yourself, Too - YoM Day 364

Lighten Up and Try to Enjoy Yourself - YoM Day 363

Practice What You Want to Become - YoM Day 362

We All Have An Inner Genius - YoM Day 361

Recovering the Heart - YoM Day 360

Before Flying, We Must First Learn to Walk - YoM Day 359

Transform Yourself - YoM Day 358

Think Great, Be Great - YoM Day 357

Think to Become - YoM Day 356

A Life That's Memorable - YoM Day 355

Getting Back Up - YoM Day 354

Be the Change You Want to See - YoM Day 353

There For Each Other - YoM Day 352

Glorious Triumphs - YoM Day 351

With the Crowd - YoM Day 350

Shadows Can't Hurt You - YoM Day 349

Being a Friend - YoM Day 348

Enjoying the Struggle - YoM Day 347