Appreciating the Miracle - YoM Day 344

Eleven months ago I began a journey of practicing mindfulness every day and we've reached day 344. Yesterday, I talked about mushin and the art of just doing. Today is a new day.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Unknown
Whenever I think about the universe I think about how insane it is that we even exist. In the vast universe we are the only (known) form of life capable of sending messages via magical tomes of varying sizes we call "devices" that we just casually carry around with us on a daily basis. We can connect with each other from all across the world with these devices (social media), find an infinitely vast library of information on the fly (internet), know the time and location of anything on command (clock, maps), capture the essence a scenery with a single touch (pictures), and have the ability to create all sorts of things (apps) with just our fingertips. That's CRAZY!

As far as we know, the universe started from NOthing, then became EVERYthing. We're all composed of the same matter that was once star dust millions of years ago. Yet somehow through a miracle of probability that space dust not only formed a planet that could sustain life, it also lead to a system of reproduction. Millions of different species have tried and failed before we came to be yet humanity has managed to survive where others have not. Like the single sperm cell among millions that makes it to the egg to be fertilized. Our existence, ANY existence, is nothing short of a statistical miracle. Yet because it's something that's so normal in our society we sometimes forget this.

When we take things for granted we often forget how special they really are. Like how we get used to our loved ones, but once they're gone we realize how much they really meant to us (and it hurts because now we can't show them). In seeing my existence in this way, I find that I appreciate life more. I woke up today thinking about how grateful I am to not only be alive, but to be living a life filled with abundance and positivity. This positive mindset sets me up to feel good for the rest of the day.

Some people go through a hard life filled with suffering and it sucks that it happens, I'm not denying that. There is definitely a gray area between amazing and not. That said, it is about perspective. Instead of waking up wishing I could sleep more, had a day off, or that life was better, I'm starting the day happy and thankful for being able to live the life that I've been given. Little things like that make a huge difference.

What miracles are you thankful for?

You being here and reading this is its own miracle. Thank you.


  1. How do you view your life? Leave a comment down below!

    Have a great day~


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