It's not the destination that's important, it's the dream - YoM Day 323

Ten months ago I began a journey of practicing mindfulness every day and we've reached day 323. Yesterday, I talked about how the unexpected can sometimes be exactly what we need. Today is a new day.
"Our aspirations are our possibilities." - Samuel Johnson
One thing I like to ask people is what their dreams are. Most people have a general idea. "I wanna be a doctor", "I want to travel abroad", "I want to be a teacher" (these people get high fives). As a teacher I get to see so many people making progress toward their goals and it puts a smile on my face when I hear someone tell me they've finally made one of their dreams a reality.

When we have aspirations, we're opening up doors that go down different paths. Each choice we make has the potential of creating a completely different lifestyle for us (multiverse theory right here). We may not know exactly where our choices will take us or if we'll end up deviating and wind up somewhere else entirely, but at one point we have to decide.

In high school I thought I wanted to be an aeronautical engineer (they made good money and I thought designing stuff would be cool). After taking some courses on CAD programming and a design class that changed REAL fast (it takes a certain kind of perfectionist drive to do that kind of work that I don't have). After some soul searching I decided that I wanted to be a school counselor (in hindsight that's funny because I didn't really like mine), which led me down the path of the psychologist in college. As I took more courses and became more knowledgeable about the practice and politics involved in counseling, I started to question everything. I felt like I made the wrong choice, yet that also freed me to be able to keep dreaming. That ultimately led me to broadening my options from being a counselor to being a teacher.

Our dreams are like compasses that guides us through life. Although I'm not a counselor, my time studying psychology definitely helped prepare me for teaching and it's also how I got into the idea of mindfulness and self-mastery. Honestly, my role as a teacher isn't so different from that of the counselor in that I serve as a role-model and help guide my students in helping them achieve their goals. Everything I've done had helped me get to where I am now, so it's not that I failed at accomplishing my goals (I just wanted to help people in my own way and originally thought counseling was the best choice), I just took an atypical route.

We're all born as a sea of potential and life works in mysterious ways. What's important isn't really the destination but instead whether you're doing something you're passionate about. Had I continued down the path of aeronautics I'd probably hate my job. I may have had to tweak my itinerary a bit, but I'm pretty happy with where I am right now. If I keep aspiring to help people who knows where life will take me? I'm just trying to enjoy the ride.

 Like handwriting or any form of expression, everyone has their own style. We might have the same dream, but how we get there is probably gonna be different.


  1. What's your dream? What do you aspire to do or be?

    Have a great day~


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