YoM Day 184: value not wasted

Yesterday, I talked about enjoying life. Today is a new day.
"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." - Auguste Rodin
It's interesting how life works. It's is full of contradictions, where too much of a good thing is bad, too little of a bad thing isn't good. We need a balance of both in our lives in order to grow. I've talked a lot about making the best of your situation by being positive. There's a lesson to be learned in everything we do, but if we're not willing to learn that is what's called wasting time.

I slept in a little longer than usual today since I had some trouble going to sleep last night. Although it felt bad to have a late start to the day, it made me think about some routines I want to start doing in the morning. I've practiced meditation on-and-off my whole life, but I think I want to make it a daily thing, so by sleeping in late today it made me think of ways to both relax/recuperate and still be active in the morning. Starting tomorrow I'll make that the first thing I do after washing my face and brushing my teeth. What began as a slow start turned into a positive learning experience.

This sort of mentality is something that can be applied to all aspects of our life. Whether it's our job, what we do in our free time, etc. If we're paying attention to what's going on around us we can learn from our experiences. I think that's how we learn how to figure out our lives. In meditating every day I imagine I'll gain a lot of insight from clearing my head and reflecting on my life while staying mindful of how it has affected me.

Value comes in the eye of the beholder. What value can you find in what you once presumed to be worthless?

Value in perspective
What's trash to one could be treasure to another. It's all about perspective.


  1. What are some experiences you can learn to benefit from?


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