YoM Day 63: Serving our own way

Yesterday, I talked about how life isn't meant to be taken so seriously. Today is a new day.
"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer
A person living without a purpose is often left feeling empty and unfulfilled. One of the things that made me the most uneasy as I approached graduation in high school and college was the sense of not knowing what I wanted to do. It frustrated me knowing that I hadn't found something that I wanted to dedicate the rest of my life too. A large part of that is the pressure of growing to be independent, which made me believe that I HAD to have found the right path by the time I hit adulthood.

Well guess what? Life isn't so straightforward and we all do things at our own pace. It took me until I finally left home to pursue my education to realize this. After spending so much time thinking about what I needed to do, I changed the question to what I could be doing now (examining my skills and career options) and deciding how I could best spend my time doing something that supported my lifestyle.

Many of us think of service as something we must do because it's the "right thing" or because that's only what society wants us to do. Many might be turned off by that because it would no longer be genuine to help someone out of obligation compared to if we actually wanted to. Most of us crave freedom of choice and so those who reflect and figure out what it is they want to do and how they can do it end up happier - it was their choice. On the flip-side, people who end up going along with the will of others develop none for themselves, so they end up an empty shell of what they could have become.

I don't know what my own future holds, but I look forward to developing new answers and living my life on my own terms. That's what happiness is to me.

Live according to your way.


  1. Today's assignment: look to see what you would serve with joy.


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