Revisiting the self

Well, about 4 years ago I said goodbye to this old blog and moved on to make my own site. But it turns out life took me back to where it all began (I also didn't want to renew the domain, which is like $200 per year). So here I am, back at it again with some new experiences under my belt and some things to say. 

Let's boogie

It's common for us to hear about the importance of moving on and growth, but it's also important to look back sometimes and see how far we've really gone. It's also a great way to check to see if we're still on the right path. In a way I also think it's life's way of telling us not to forget who we are, where we came from, and what we stand for.

So where have I been?

I'm still in Osaka, I'm still teaching English (though now for the public schools instead of being a language school instructor). I've moved in with my girlfriend, we're thinking of family, I've improved my Japanese skills substantially, and now I'm working on learning how to program and make electronic music. I quit the gym, go running way more, do workouts at home, eat healthier, and even though I'm older, I still feel great! 

So what's this all mean?

Even though my life hasn't gone exactly the way I wanted it, I've experienced so much I didn't know I wanted and life is just as amazing with a hint of constant surprises (mostly good ones). 

So what's the future of maiwei?

To be frank, I don't know. I never did. That said, I'm in a writing mood and whenever I feel like venting something out or logging my thoughts in, I'll always have a place to revisit for some inspiration, introspection, and the invention of new ideas. 

All I do know is that it feels nice writing again, and I remember how I really enjoyed my Year of Mindfulness. It gave me a nice sense of purpose and calm. I'm definitely not gonna write every day, but the occasional post here and there, especially to track my learning progress, will probably do a lot of good in keeping me sane. 

Until next time!

Who are you? What's something from your past you need to revisit?

