Finding What Works for You - YoM Day 336

Eleven months ago I began a journey of practicing mindfulness every day and we've reached day 336. Yesterday, I talked about needing time to reset the mind and refresh our inspiration. Today is a new day.
"It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
The modern age is filled with all sorts of self-help methods from dieting trends like CrossFit and Pilates, business strategies and attraction methods, to personal transformation disciplines like NoFap or old-fashioned meditation. If you have a problem, chances are there's a "sure-fire method" out there that's "just what you need". Yet despite this abundance of options and resources, I've found that the best way is the one we develop ourselves.

I've done a lot of self-study and experimentation on self-improvement. From art techniques and mediums, philosophy, diets, and workout routines, I've tried all sorts of things. I've been involved in various communities and while there are always people who are adamant of their authenticity and effectiveness, no single thing has fully worked for me. That said, it doesn't mean I haven't gained anything from them either. There's a lesson to be learned in everything we do. The real challenge is finding out what those golden nuggets are and finding a balance that works for you.

That's the thing, too. It's not that there is a single "fix" that will magically solve all of our problems because there are way too many aspects to our lives for a single thing to fully address. Every thing I've tried was necessary for me to gain the knowledge and experience needed to come up with a system that works for me. That's the real secret. People who sell their own programs are giving you tools that you can use at your disposal, but you can still achieve success through other means as well.

This also means that while you can improve in this one domain, chances are there are others you should be looking into as well. It's like a math problem. There are usually multiple ways to solve them. In understanding how each method works to solve the same problem you gain a more comprehensive understanding of the problem as a whole.

You might find that in trying something it's not for you, but having tried something is better than doing nothing. Not all experiments are successful, but we can always learn from them. Using that experience to figure out what DOES work for you is the important part. We live and learn and the universe is ever-changing. Just like the universe the possibilities are endless, and it's on us to find them.

What works for you?

Life is like a puzzle that we slowly figure out as we examine and come to understand its individual components. Trying new things and comparing them makes sense of the pieces and where they need to go.


  1. What's something you're trying to figure out? What's been working for you?

    Leave a comment below! Have a great day~


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