There's always a way - YoM Day 199

Six months ago I began a journey of practicing mindfulness every day and we've reached day 199.
Yesterday, I talked about not being so easily defined and to find our own meaning in life. Today's a new day.
"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." - Alexander Graham Bell
I've been thinking about my career prospects and whether I should stay in the company I'm working in. Yesterday, one of my supervisors pulled me aside to check up on me to see how I was doing. I didn't expect it and was happy at the gesture, especially since I'm usually really busy all day. We talked about growth opportunities within the company and the path that would lead to said growth. Of course no promises were made, but it made me see a future within the company being more realistic than I had previously.

Opportunities present themselves to us on a daily basis. Whether we see them or not is a different thing entirely. Our brains are wired to feel negatives more strongly than we do the positives as a survival mechanism. When someone says something mean to us it generally has more of an impact than when someone says something nice to us. When things go wrong for us we tend to focus on those thoughts and it often prevents us from seeing the bright side of things.

After I graduated college I applied for a teaching job with a different company and ended up not being hired. At first it really bummed me out and made me lose all motivation to continue pursuing a teaching job, so I ended up taking on an office job. I was so stuck in my thoughts of failure and thinking I wasn't "good enough" to be a teacher that I didn't even consider applying to a different company. My negativity had kept me from seeing the possibilities and I thought the door had closed for good. However, it didn't have to stay that way.

After some time my curiosity was sparked again and I found myself looking for other teaching jobs and eventually found the company I currently work for, applied, and ended up getting the job. Had I just looked for other opportunities from the start I may have been able to move to Japan sooner, but who knows? The timing of my move to Japan came at a really good time, so I'm glad things turned out the way they did. What was previously a closed door opened a new one in its place. Regardless, this showed me that there's always an opportunity if we're willing to find and grasp them with our own hands.

Whether it's asking someone out on a date, applying for a job, or going out on an adventure, we cannot simply wait for life to send us signs for opportunities, we have to get out there and make them for ourselves. Where there's a will there's a way, and sometimes we have to remind ourselves that there's always a way if we're willing to look for it. Not all doors stay closed forever.

There's always a way
The opportunities are out there no matter how many options seem to close on us. We just gotta notice them.


  1. If you feel stuck in a rut right now, what are some options you might not have considered? Maybe there's a solution you've yet to think of?


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