
Good morning, sunshine. How are you?
I hope you have a good day at work. Be well.
What did you make for lunch today?
That sounds delicious. Can you make it for me sometime?

Good morning. I'm tired, but I'll be OK. How are you?
Thank you, you too. I hope you're not too busy!
I made meat and potatoes. What are you having? Are you eating well?
Thank you. OK, I'll make some for you any time. 

You're amazing, you know that?
I love your smile, your cute way of saying things.
I love how hardworking you are, you inspire me. Truly.
Just being with you makes me happy.
Good night, sleep tight

Thank you. You're so smart, so kind. I love you!
I miss you, wanna see you. See your smile, hear your voice.
I believe you can do anything. Thanks for always supporting me.
Please stay with me always, OK?
Good night, sweet dreams

Good morning, love. How are you? 
Have a good day at work! Please don't work too hard. 
What's for lunch today? I'm having some sandwiches.
Let's go out tomorrow. I want to see you.

Good morning. I'm fine.
Thank you. You too.

Hey. How are you? Everything okay?
Good luck tomorrow, I know you'll do fine.
Good night. I love you.

I'm fine, don't worry.
Thanks. I'll do my best.
...I'm sorry

What's up? Can we talk?

Please give me time.


I'm sorry for everything. You're a wonderful person, please don't be angry.
Our lifestyles don't match. Can we stay as friends?
I'm so sorry, I don't want to hurt you.

Ok. I understand.
I love that we're so different and I wish we could make things work.
I just want you to be happy. No matter what: I love you.
Thank you for everything. Good night

No, thank you.


  1. Life isn't always perfect, but even so I want to cherish the moments I've shared with her and learn from the experience.

    Perhaps this is exactly what I need in order to reach the next level. Who knows? Either way, I'm thankful.


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