YoM Day 103: through your own eyes

Yesterday, I talked about learning to laugh a little more. Today is a new day.
"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts." - Albert Einstein
One thing culture does is condition us to think a certain way. It's often hard for people to think outside of the box precisely because of it. Although culture and tradition have their purposes; however, relying solely on them for your beliefs limits what you can see.

One of the most frequent questions kids will ask is "why". They LOVE that question. They are so curious and want to know so much about the world. They don't just want to be told, either. They need to be convinced about truth. It's this undying curiosity that drives them to be adventurous. When I was a kid I'd go exploring all of the time to see what I could find. I would question everything and come up with my own views on things. It's made me different from most people around me. Learning to recognize these differences has helped me learn more about who I am as an individual.

When we just accept what's told to us and don't form our own opinions that makes us no better than puppets in my eyes. The beliefs being instilled in our minds are like the hands of the puppeteer moving us according to their whim. My dad used to ask me what I thought about things as a child to get me to practice thinking for my own. Most of the major problems in my life I've faced primarily by myself. When I know I can't do something on my own I'll seek help, whether it's through research or from a friend; but I see help as guides that enable us to piece together and form a more cohesive whole of our worldview.

Although in many ways I am very naive because I lack experience in all aspects in life, I feel like I've gained a deeper and more personal understanding of the things I do have experience in and can relate to. In my journey to seek understanding I've found something that I can call my own truth. This life I'm living is the result of doing things my way. It may not be perfect, but it's an experience I can truly call mine. That, to me, is freedom.

through your own eyes
Life is in our hands and this world can only be seen through our own eyes.


  1. Go beyond belief, assumption, and conditioning to find your experience.


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