YoM Day 102: laugh a little

Yesterday, I talked about overcoming our mistakes. Today is a new day. 
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." - E.E. Cummings
One of the most difficult parts of being a teacher is making the class enjoyable for my students. This is particularly true for kids. At younger ages, their attention span is much lower so it becomes much harder to balance fun and learning. One thing that's true, regardless of age, is that it's much easier to learn when you're enjoying what it is you're studying.

I wasn't the best student growing up. I'm the type that doesn't really put effort into doing things I don't have any interest in doing. The main reason I was able to graduate from a university was because I genuinely liked psychology. My grades in other subjects weren't anything special. What made the difference was whether I was enjoying what it was I was learning. The more I've enjoyed a class the higher my grades are. I think this is true for most people and this concept applies to life in general, too.

The more we have fun in our lives the more happy we tend to be. Fun comes in many forms. It could be through our work, the challenge of self-improvement, self-expression, etc. The one thing that everyone shares is the joy that comes with laughter. Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh? When was the last time you saw something funny and wished you could take it back? You might regret not spending your time being productive, but you'll never regret having a good laugh.

Whenever I feel down I like to watch something funny to help pick myself back up. It works every time. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine and it's completely free. It's also contagious and can make anyone's day a little bit better. It shows us that everything's alright.

laugh a little
A little laughter a day keeps the doctor away~


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