YoM Day 78: self-acceptance

Yesterday, I talked about being kind to other animals. Today is a new day.
"The remarkable thing is that we really do love our neighbor as ourselves. We do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." - Eric Hoffer
I went to a Kirtan yoga and chakra workshop in Kyoto and I essentially spent the next 4 hours doing yoga, relaxing, and singing Hindu chants while holding hands with other people in a circle. It was the ultimate hippy moment and there was positive energy and acceptance everywhere. All that was lacking was some pot and tie die t-shirts. During that time we were talking about the self and how we often view ourselves negatively (like when we cringe at hearing our own voice through a recording) and in doing so it affects our perception of the world around us through negative manifestations.

Whether we realize it or not, our internal condition affects how we interact with the outside world. When we're happy, we perceive things more positively (even people doing mean things can more easily be forgotten and brushed off). When we're sad or angry the degree to which things are negative gets amplified and everything (even your close friends trying to console you) turns to shit. The mind influences everything.

The reverse is also true. When we treat others with contempt, judgement, and intolerance it is a reflection of our own insecurities and negative mindset. What reason do we have to really be a dick to other people? I understand frustration toward the world not being perfect, but where does that desire come from? I think it stems from our own sense of elitism/the compulsion to desire perfection. We're always the harshest critic toward ourselves, but such people tend to not accept their imperfections and in doing so themselves. They view their flaws so critically perhaps as a response to a fear of rejection, but while wanting to be perfect can be a good thing, the bar is set too high and the mind/body cannot meet such high expectations. When that happens it becomes a vicious cycle and each failure in our eyes only deteriorates our self-confidence.

I'm a pretty insecure person at times and I'm working hard to get over my fears and insecurities. Even now I'm going through a rough patch with my girlfriend because she's been super busy with work, it's stressing her out, and although I'm trying to comfort her she's been pulling away. I know that she needs some time to herself to just cool down and just be, my mind keeps thinking that the problem is me and that I need to do something to "fix" everything (even when that's not the case).

One thing practicing the art of meditation and letting go has done is help me accept myself, flaws and everything. As I was doing yoga and singing the chants a flood of thoughts went through my mind and I realized that I shouldn't worry so much. I can only do so much and instead of trying to figure every little thing out I should just focus on trying to do what I can. No expectations, just doing what I can when I can. Furthermore, the sense of acceptance and peace I felt from the community helped me see that I wasn't doing anything wrong.

I'm just trying to live my life like anyone else. Sure, there may be bumps along the way but by learning to be okay with making mistakes I'm also being less critical on myself. By learning to be more tolerant of myself, I'm learning to love my life more, and that to me is one of the keys to happiness.

Love thy self
Love thy self and we can love the world around us
