YoM Day 60: In harmony

Yesterday, I talked about not missing out on the chances presented to us in life. Today is a new day.
"Happiness is when you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -  Mahatma Gandhi
There is a state called "flow", where we are hyper-concentrated in what we're doing and time becomes a second-thought. It could be that what felt like a few minutes was actually a few hours, or the exact opposite. In this state everything is in-sync, our thoughts and actions, and we're what many might consider to be in a state of enlightenment. Reaching this state is both extremely hard to do and often misunderstood as being careless; however, it's exactly this carefree desire and drive to do what you want to do and be in the moment that is what I consider mental freedom.

In such a state we're no concerned with the outside world. We're focused on the task at hand and nothing can break that concentration. It's the closest thing I can liken to harmony because it's in this state that no fucks are given - only what needs to be done.

For me, I can achieve flow when I'm meditating, working out, drawing, or playing the piano. They're mediums in which I've found that I can express myself without worrying about society or whatever bullshit it tries to shove down my throat. I am free to be me when I do these things and it's pure, unadulterated bliss when it happens.

If flow is harmony, then anything else a state of imbalance. Reflecting on and understanding what makes other moments in our life different from those in which we're in equilibrium is the key in understanding where we need to head in life. Our intuition plays a large role in this. If it feels wrong, chances are that something is. Learning to trust in ourselves helps us let go and be in the moment, which in turn lets us forget everything and dive as deep as we need to in order to get to where we need to go.


Zen garden
Harmony is when everything is as it should be.
