YoM Day 59: Missing out

Yesterday, I talked about the importance of taking some risks in life. Today is a new day.
"I expect to pass through this life but once. If therefore there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for any fellow being, let me do it now, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn

You only live once; YOLO. If we only have one chance at this thing we called life, why is it so many of us waste that opportunity not pursuing the things we want in life? I don't get it. It's Golden Week in Japan and I'm trying to make the most of it. Yesterday I went hiking at Mt. Rokko in Kobe.

Today, I'm headed toward Wakayama to visit the Shirahama hot springs and go on more hiking goodness. There's a famous saying, "why put of tomorrow what you can do today?" Those of us who become comfortable with our lives end up becoming complacent. Similar to the way we take things we have regularly (like internet or a roof over our heads) for granted, when we get used to the idea that we can always do something when "we really feel like it", we end up putting it off and possibly never doing it because that thought remains in our head and influences our actions.

I live in Japan now so I could go at any time, but the more I foster that mentality the more I'll hold myself from experiencing as much as I can now because "I can always do it another time". At the end of the day though, they're just sweet words that give us an excuse to not take action. Excuses sound best to the person making them and this is no exception. I have an opportunity to do something so I feel like I must take it. If I don't who knows what wonders I'd miss out on?

Had I not decided to climb Mt. Rokko with my friends I would have missed out on such a good night. It's something that I'll treasure for a long time and I never would've known this joy had I told myself  "I'll go next time", because there might not ever be a "next time". Sometimes inaction is worse than making mistakes, and in this case deciding not to go to the gym, apply for that job, or go on that hike could mean missing out on a life-changing experience.


Rokko dam
We can't predict what life has to offer. All we need to do is accept and let it bring what's in store for us.


  1. Today's assignment: Look to see what "good things" you want to do while you still have time.


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