YoM Day 58: Taking Risks

Yesterday, I talked about how simple life really is. Today is another day.
"You won't skid if you stay in a rut." - Kin Hubbard
In a few hours I'll be going on a hike through Mt. Rokko, near Kobe. Although it's not particularly dangerous, I'll run the (low) risk of getting completely lost and not being able to find my way back to modern civilization (which might not be so bad). Sure, I could vicariously live through others' experiences via the internet, but it's more worth going out there and experiencing it first-hand.

A wise man once said, "I don't want to tip-toe through life just to arrive safely at death". Life without taking risks is boring. We play things safely for the sake of being safe, but there's a whole world to explore and you miss out on so much when you avoid things in order to be "safe". On the flip-side, is playing it safely really a good thing when the cost is possibly giving up your dreams? Screw safety. It's overrated, anyway.

If I played my life "safely" I'd have never gotten even close to where I am today. I never would've gone to Alaska to raise money for college. I never would've risked time and money flying out to another state for a job interview. I never would've gone to college. I never would've asked my girlfriend out. I never would've started writing a blog. I never would've posted my artwork online. Every single one of those risks paid off in the end. Even the ones that didn't pan-out the way I expected left me with something to learn from.

Life is all about taking risks and if we don't do that we're left with little to nothing. Like the boy in the plastic bubble, who's weak immune system could've left him in ruins when he decided to abandon safety for a normal life, the world is waiting for me to step outside of my comfort-zone.

The most important part of any journey is taking that first step.

Zen temple entrance
Taking the first steps on a boundless journey.


  1. Today's assignment: What are you not afraid of doing? What fears could you abandon to live more joyously?


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