YoM Day 57: Simple is best

Yesterday, I talked about changing the world. Today is a new day.
"The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I had some ramen with one of my gym friends earlier today. We talked about the Fibonacci spiral, the golden number, "The Secret", and how all schools of life are connected to our existence in this universe. Although there were times where we couldn't understand each other (damn language barrier), it was an interesting conversation and I had a good time in our dialogue.

It's interesting how despite already having the answers we need to live a happy and fulfilled life, there are still so many people who suffer miserable lives. Why is that? There are two things that came to mind: many people aren't actively seeking happiness (they want it, but they're not doing anything about it) and others are thinking too hard about what happiness is and how to attain it (thus hindering them from getting anywhere).

Life is simple, yet we make it so difficult for ourselves. I think happiness isn't something that requires much and yet it's something people constantly seek even if they're living the most lavish of lives. There's always something better we can strive for. We often look too hard when everything we need is right in front of us. I believe this is why kindness and positivity (a happy mind) are so valued. They're simple ways to make life better for everyone that anyone can do. Anyone can choose to be kind. Anyone has the capacity to think positively. It's all a matter of choice. A choice that anyone can make. Simple, yet so difficult for us to do.

The signs are everywhere around us. There are just so many distractions that's it's becoming more and more difficult to see what's necessary. Like the progression of video games, each generation becoming more and more complex with more unnecessary stimuli for us to sift through. The objectives are still the same, but the worlds are just bigger and more complex. Sometimes simple is all that's necessary.


Sakura blossoms
Knowledge comes from learning; wisdom comes from living. Simple.


  1. Today's assignment: what's coming between you and happiness?


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