YoM Day 49: Chain reaction

Yesterday, I talked about investing in ourselves and others. Today is a new day.

“The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give.” - Walt Whitman

Today I spent my afternoon with some family friends and we had a good time over a nice Chinese feast. It made me think about how grateful I am to be able to spend time with people who appreciate me for being me and want me in their company. Japan is big on exchanging gifts. They place a high value in friendship and showing your appreciation to others. It’s their way of saying “I was thinking of you”. It warms my frigid heart and makes me want to return the favor in my own way.

When I do things like make food, share my art, and play piano for people, it feels good knowing that I’m able to share a part of myself with others. It feels even better when they appreciate it. Similar to the rush of endorphins I get after a good workout, being able to give to others becomes addicting when it is appreciated. Seeing other people smile is like a drug and the more I give the more rewarding that smile and genuine show of thanks becomes.

At the same time, I don’t do things for others with any expectation of receiving any thanks. On the contrary, I prefer to give just because. The power of reciprocation is just as strong as the force that created it. As such, when it’s for reasons like Christmas, birthdays, or anything that feels obligatory, I feel the magic of giving is taken away and what’s left is the expectation. When it comes naturally, like a habit, it becomes something you want to do more.

What drives you to give?
Domino effect
It's like a chain reaction.


  1. Today’s assignment: Look to see if you would like to enhance the desire to give and what you would like to give to accomplish that.


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