YoM Day 47: Giving for a Good Life

YesterdayI talked about priorities. Today is a new day.
You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” - Winston Churchill
This was an interesting one to think about. Having things can be nice. It gives us more options and freedoms to do things with our free time. Going from drawing only with pencils to getting a set of markers is like night and day; you can do so much more when you have more things. At the same time, the things we can do, or the living we make with what we have doesn’t always translate to how happily we become.

When it comes to living happily, more doesn’t always mean better. I think it also has to do with what we give back to the world – the legacy we leave behind. One of the most common regrets the elderly report before dying is not being able to contribute and give back more. As I’ve gotten older my goals have changed from becoming filthy rich to being able to pay-back my parents and helping others.

In my case, giving to others has made me more fulfilled. The ego plays a big role in receiving satisfaction from knowing that we’re able to make an impact on things outside our life directly, but it also just feels good when someone thanks us for doing things. Whenever my students thank me it warms my ice-cold heart ever so slightly. Knowing that my work is appreciated and is helping others grow is its own reward and is helping me make a life that I can genuinely enjoy and be proud of. That’s something no amount of designer clothes, watches, or cars could ever do. Giving to these kids has given me back a life that is pretty nice.

Japanese turtles
You don't need to live in luxury to enjoy life.


  1. Today’s assignment: Give something “for your life”. Let yourself receive that giving.


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