YoM Day 45: Showing appreciation

Yesterday, I talked about learning to appreciate things. Today is a new day.

“There are never enough ‘I love you’s.” - Lenny Bruce

I talked with my parents back in the states this morning via a skype call and it was pleasant. Although we didn’t have too much to say, the important thing for me was being able to see their faces, their smiles, and being able to tell them I love them even though we’re separated by an ocean.

In Japan, it’s normal for the parents to NOT tell their kids that they love them. Rather, they prefer to show their love for their children through their actions. Of course I still see family playing with their children and sharing smiles and whatnot, so it’s not like they don’t love them. They totally do. They just don’t say they love them, which I think is interesting.

Some of my students are shocked when I tell them my parents used to kiss me good night and said they loved me every night before I went to bed as a kid. In Japan, they just say “good night” and move on. Some might consider it cold, but that’s just how it is I guess. Regardless, it’s human instinct for us to love our own children and despite there being different expressions of showing our affection, it’s something that should never go unappreciated.

To me, saying “I love you” means showing great appreciation to someone. Spoken or through your actions, saying “I love you” is the sweetest thing we can do for others. It feels good when someone does something so kind for us. When I moved to Japan I left behind my friends, family, and everyone I knew who had showed me their love and kindness in order to pursue a new life in the land of sushi and anime. It was a good eye-opener that helped me see how blessed I am and I get a little homesick from time-to-time.

Now that I’ve lived here for about a year I’ve met so many wonderful people and have created a new life with new people who have shown me their love. I want to return the blessings that have been given to me. I’ll start by telling you that I love you. I love you for sticking around and reading this. I love you for being you. I appreciate every view and comment I get. Thank you.

Stay awesome and have a great day!
Showing appreciation
Simply offering a hand can be a good way to show you care.
