YoM Day 44: Being thankful

Yesterday, I talked about appreciating the little things in life. Today is a new day.
A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances A complaining soul complains even when living in paradise.” Bahu’u’llah
Life is all about perspective. I live a pretty sweet life compared to the millions of people suffering out there. We all go through hardship, but most first-world problems are nothing compared to what some others go through. Yet some people who are going through the hardest of lives are also the most humble and satisfied. The difference lies with their attitude.

Gratitude is something that has made my life infinitely better. I used to be a real brat. I was spoiled and used to think that everything had to be perfect. Looking back, I had a pretty perfect life and yet I still felt unfulfilled as a child. I’ve since tried appreciating even the smallest of things in my life and it made me a lot more positive about things.

I think a lot of it has to do with our expectations. I used to let the smallest things get to me because I placed such high expectations on everything, including myself; but now I just shrug them off and focus on doing what I can. I think that’s what it means to have a rich life – one where you’re still able to enjoy life when things don’t always go according to expectation.

By letting go of our expectations, I think it enables us to see the things we should be thankful for more clearly. In my case, I’ve come to see how nice I really have it. I have people who’ve helped and supported me along my journey, I have a stable job, I’m in an environment where I’ve been given opportunities to grow, and I can see where I can continue to grow and prosper from here on out. Even when things take a turn for the worse, I try to find the bright-side, the positives, the lessons to be learned from those moments. We learn to appreciate life.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have people who complain about everything. They’ll complain about the weather. They’ll complain about the economy. They’ll bitch and moan about everything in their life and no matter what you do there will always be something that isn’t quite right for them. Worst of all, it’s toxic and is contagious. There’s nothing to be gained from complaining all of the time. You might find a temporary solution, but humans are creatures of habit and once we get one thing, we’ll continue to desire and expect more. It’s why gambling is so addicting. It’s why having nice things won’t truly make us happy; there’s always a something better, there’s always a bigger fish.

Don’t hate, appreciate.

There's always something to be thankful for.
