YoM Day 43: The little things

Yesterday, I talked about challenging yourself to avoid stagnation. Today is a new day.
“The best portion of a good person’s life,
Those little, nameless,
unremembered acts
Of kindness and love.” - William Wordsworth
Kindness, once again, is today’s game and ‘simple’ is it’s middle name. Even the smallest of things can add up to contribute to a fruitful whole. I’m currently with kids as young as 3-4, and most of them aren’t going to remember me after they move on to take other classes. That said, what I do for them still has a huge, yet unconscious impact on their development with the English language.

These kids listen, play, react, and see English in ways that are engaging to them and so it keeps their attention. When they grow up, they probably won’t remember taking these classes; however, the love their parents have shown them at home (doing activities with their kids and participating in my class) is an awesome show of dedication. Not only that, but that time spent it will go a long way toward bonding with their parents and forming a strong, positive relationship (if the kid doesn’t hate the lessons). They already have a bright future ahead of them.

Not every show of love and kindness has to be so deep and filled with dedication though. Although I don’t remember all of the specifics, some of the best conversations I’ve had were with people I’d just met. Just simple, curiosity and acceptance in an exchange of words and wisdom. It’s the main reason why I like meeting new people. Some of the most interesting moments come from meeting with the unfamiliar. These little acts have had some of the biggest impacts on my life.

It's the little things
Stopping to appreciate the little things makes life pretty sweet.


  1. Today’s assignment: Let yourself have some simple moments or acts of kindness. Try to share them with others.


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