YoM Day 39: For the sake of it

Yesterday, I talked about how the thoughts we feed our mind shape our life. Today is a new day.
Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.” - Eric Hoffer
I’ve talked about the benefits of kindness to death already, but it cannot be stressed enough. Kindness in its own way makes the world go round. Most people want to be happy and know that being able to help others feels great. Knowing how to become kind is the real struggle.

I like to practice kindness for the sake of being kind. No expectations, just doing thing because I want to. I liken it to the spirit of Christmas. Getting presents isn’t the point. On the contrary, it is about giving to others and being thankful for what we have and spreading that joy with others (at least that’s what years of family tradition and watching movies has taught me over the years).

My time in Japan has reinforced this idea, too. Although some think of the gift-giving custom as excessive and obligatory, I think their sense of duty has made them forget the true meaning behind it. It feels good to give and by giving to others the love will go all around. It eventually comes full-circle and we in-turn are rewarded with a sense of joy by giving joy to others. Some call this karma. I call it being happy and at peace.

For the sake of it
You don't always need a reason to do things.


  1. Today’s assignment: Practice deepening your kindness habit.


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