YoM Day 38: Feed your mind

Yesterday, I talked about taking action and going beyond dreamland. Today is a new day.
You become what you think about all day long.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have you ever thought about what happens to the banana after you’ve eaten it? In a few short hours, your body takes all of the nutrients and incorporates it as fuel to your body. It makes it a part of you and then discards the rest as fecal matter. It becomes a part of you – you become the banana.

In the same way, if we go about thinking negative thoughts all day, we become a vacuum of negativity swallowing in everything around us into the abyss. It’s been proven countless times that our mentality affects our mood and it cannot be emphasized enough. The reason why positive people tend to live more happily is because their mind has been trained to shine brightly. It’s also why “fake it ‘till you make it” is such a popular method of increasing confidence and the like. Like the banana, we become what we feed our minds.

After my first big break-up in high school, I kept thinking that there was something wrong with me, that I needed my ex in order to be happy, and that I was a loser. Lo and behold, these thoughts got to me and my life came crashing down. My motivation fell along with my grades, I couldn’t concentrate as much in piano, I was becoming antisocial, and I felt like I was never going to feel anything but a restless numbness. It sucked and I hated what I became, so I decided that I wanted to change. At first I was pulling myself up out of spite – I wanted to show my ex that I didn’t need her, but as the months went by I started doing things for me again. I started thinking positively again. I started feeling again.

As the years passed I became more and more positive and confident in myself. I’ve long-since moved on from my high school days, but that experience taught me so much of the importance of perspective. Since then, I’ve decided to focus on thinking as positively as possible. Whether it’s a positive or negative situation, I’ve conditioned myself to think of the brighter side of things. As a result life’s been great. I’ve become happier and don’t let things get to me too much. It’s all a matter of how you think.

What will you feed your mind?


You are what you eat
You become what you eat.


  1. Today’s assignment: Without allowing voices of self-hate to give an opinion, consider what your daily thoughts are turning you into.


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