YoM Day 37: Wake up to achieve

Yesterday, I talked about keeping things simple. Today is a new day.
The way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” - Paul Jackson
Sleeping is awesome. We can do anything in our dreams and it’s up to the imagination what becomes of them. But so many of us are content with staying in dreamland and real life becomes a reverse nightmare that we don’t want to wake into.

The other day I overheard a conversation between two people talking about how one of them wished they could lose weight and look good. The other was fed up with her job and wanted to “get out” and find something better. They kept saying how they wanted to change, but then sighed and were content with an “oh well, it’d be nice though”.

Only we can make those dreams come true though, and if all we do is hope and daydream we’ll never get anything done. Waking up means taking action and doing things that will further your progress. Staying in bed isn’t going to get you in shape, going to the gym and eating a balanced diet is. Spending all day watching youtube videos isn’t going to help you get your dream job, going out and applying, preparing for interviews, and building upon your repertoire of skills is.

Dreaming is important for us to find inspiration in, but there’s no reason why they can’t become a reality is there? Excuses sound best to the person making them. We’re only holding ourselves back by choosing to hit the snooze-button over and over.

Whatever the dream may be, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Perhaps making a serum that can give us the power of flight and the strength to lift up mountains is setting the bar too high, but what do I know? Maybe it’s possible and we just haven’t found a way yet? Doesn’t hurt to try.
Wake up and be awesome
Wake up to achieve


  1. I couldn't agree more. And that's a great quote. If we don't wake up and make a move, we'll never achieve our dreams.

    1. Thanks for the comment!

      Exactly. There's a 5-second rule that Mel Robbins talks about regarding how long of a window we have to take action before doubt and hesitation can take over. It's something that really clicked with me and helped me write this. Good read if you have the time.

      Have a great day!

      P.S. - I apologize for the late reply! I just got internet in my new place and just noticed this.


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