YoM Day 34: Stop to appreciate

Yesterday, I talked about being genuine and not worrying about what others think. Today is a new day.
Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.” - Ralph Waldo  Emerson
The modern world for most people is a busy place. People typically wake up, have breakfast (or not), get ready for school/work, come home, eat dinner (or not), and if they’re not busy doing other things, have a little time to relax (or not) before doing it all over again the next day.

Some of us get so stuck in this loop that we forget to take time to just smell the roses. There’s a whole world of beauty out there yet so many get caught doing the same routines over and over that the world loses color and it all just blurs together.

When I catch myself guilty of repeating the same things over and over I find that I’ve also lost my focus. That’s not to say that all routines are bad though. For example, going to the gym consistently also helps me in other areas of my life, including my desire to get out there and get things done. It drives me to dedicate myself to other things, too. But it’s also just as important to mix things up a bit every once in a while.

When lost in a forest of shadows you need to shine light to see the signs pointing to where the meadow lies. But once you find it, you still need to stop and stare to really appreciate its beauty. In life, sometimes not doing anything can be the most productive thing.

Stop and notice the flowers
The flowers await those who are there to find them.
