YoM Day 33: DGAF like the birds

Yesterday, I talked about the lessons to be learned with every passing moment. Today is a new day.
I want to sing like birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.” - Jelaluddin Rumi
I love to sing; especially in the shower. I feel so free in such a private and vulnerable state. I used to wish that every moment could be so liberating. When I think about it, the only one really limiting my actions is myself. Of course every action has its consequence, but if I’m not hurting anyone who cares if I sing on the train?

If anything, the people who’ve overcome their fear of judgment have also ended up being the most happy and some of the most successful people in the world. There’s a reason why some people lament over the “lack of soul” in a lot of today’s music. In a lot of cases, the music industry has become more of a business than a medium of expression. It has become saturated with the same groups of people trying to make a name for themselves by trying to appeal to what the consumer “wants” rather than showing the world their real colors.

Yet among the piles of mediocrity lie gems that shine brightly and will be remembered for a long time. Yes, talent does make an impact, but the main difference between them and the rest is the amount of heart and soul they put into their work without worrying about what would happen. The greats, no matter what we’re talking about (music or not) knew what they had and put everything they had into showing the world who they were and what they could do. To me, this reflects a pure desire to be genuine – to be real.

How you do anything is how you do everything. So I think that by being real with yourself it reflects in your work – and compared to the sleasy con-man, the realest folk tend to also make the better company.
Birds gon't give a fuck who hears them sing
Birds give zero fucks when singing. Be like them and do yo thang.
