YoM Day 32: Discovering the moment

Yesterday, I talked about seeking peace from the self. Today is a new day.
Each moment is a place you’ve never   been.” - Mark Strand
There’s a lesson to be learned from every experience we have. Whether it’s an article I’m reading or having a really bad day. Even when I’m just sitting and doing nothing, there’s something for me to learn from.

One thing that mindfulness has helped me with is being more aware of what’s actually going on around me. It’s helped me become more observant, which especially in interactions with people, is very useful. For example, it’s become easier for me to notice the expressions people are making and what they say about the situation. I can read them much easier without them saying a peep. As a teacher this skill has proven invaluable (though I’m far from perfect).

On top of mindfulness, I think that opening the mind to the imagination has helped in seeing what lessons lie in our everyday situations. Even doing the same thing in the same place every day offers a new experience. I just have to try looking at things from different angles. Each day I write I think about different things. Each thought takes me to a different place. In that sense, I get lost in different worlds of thought.

What sights await to be discovered?

Live in the moment
Taking a second to look at the clouds can behold some of the most powerful of moments.
