YoM Day 31: Alone at peace

Yesterday, I talked about taking things at our own pace. Today is a new day.
When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.” - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
There are so many stories of people who have everything – money, status, fame, respect from peers, and a life of luxury – yet are miserable and in some cases need therapy to cure their chronic depression or even commit suicide. No matter what we have, only we can make ourselves happy. I love ice cream, but no matter how much I eat it’ll never be able to really fill any holes in my heart. I have to fix them myself.

Unfortunately, so many people fail to see the importance of self-reliance and self-actualization and end up depending on external sources for happiness. Many who chase this lavish Hollywood ideal and end up achieving it find that it is actually much different from what we expected.

Some realize that they spent so much time, energy, and had to make so many sacrifices for something that didn’t even make them happy. Some “happy-ending”, indeed. It’s depressing and can make anyone feel like everything they’ve done was for naught. This can drive people to losing their drive to do anything. After all, what’s the point? It’s just gonna end up like their Hollywood “dream”.

I think the importance of this message is learning to be happy with what we have – in other words, knowing that we are already fine the way we are and that we should learn to appreciate it. By being appreciative of what I already have, we can learn to be appreciative of having nothing, too. Yet no matter what we’ll always have something – our life, and that alone brings me a sense of peace and tranquility.

Until the day I die I’ll always have something to be thankful for – I’m alive and that’s all I need. Anything else is just a sweet bonus – plus alpha.

Peace often comes from the quiet moments when we're by ourselves. Because we're all we need in order to be happy.
