YoM Day 29: Commandments and kindness

Yesterday, I talked about how showing kindness, no matter how simple, can make anyone feel like a million bucks.
“Deeds of kindness are equal in weight to all the
commandments.” - Talmud
I think it’s interesting how despite most philosophies make a point to enforce treating others the way you want to be treated and preaching moral values such as sharing and helping others, we forget this when the “source” of these values differ.

It’s like one person looking down on you for wearing Adidas because you believe Nike has the superior shoes. At the end of the day they’re both shoes that serve the same purpose. Who cares where they came from?

In the same way, who cares what creed you follow? Actions speak for themselves and remain the same no matter who does them. The point of the commandments in the bible are more like guidelines to live your life in a way that promotes a lifestyle focused on caring and acceptance.

Such a lifestyle starts with how we live every day and kindness promotes exactly what the commandments try to emphasize.

Just as water is present in everything necessary for our being, so too I think is kindness and compassion toward others.


  1. Today’s assignment: See how all the commandments point to kindness.


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