YoM Day 28: A simple reminder

Yesterday, I talked about showing kindness to everyone, even strangers.
“A kind word is like a spring day.” - Russian proverb
An act of kindness a day also keeps the doctor away, unlike apples. I spent today shopping for things for my apartment with my girlfriend and we also spent time cooking dinner together. It’s the simple things in life, really, that can make us the happiest.

As we were talking about various things she thanked me for being so good to her and I told her that I felt the same way. I told her that seeing her be so serious about cleaning up my kitchen until it looked nice for me was so sweet and amazing. More than the action, it was the thought and consideration that really made the difference for me.

It really is the simple things in life and they can bring a calm to the storm that is life’s many stressors. Seeing her face light up as I showed her my appreciation bounced back and kept making us happier.

Like seeing the sakura blossoms slowly open up in these last few days, the effects of showing appreciation and showing kindness toward others opens up you up to see the beauty all around us.

Spring day
Spring represents both life and its impermanence, which is why we need to be reminded that we should never take it for granted.


  1. Today’s assignment: Bring someone a spring day with your kind words.


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