YoM Day 27: Showing kindness

Yesterday, I talked about the relationship between peace and understanding. Today is a new day.
“Wherever there is a human being, there is a chance for a
kindness.” - Seneca

I was approaching the elevator in my apartment complex and a mother and her young daughter came rushing in at the last-second. I held the door open for them as they safely got inside and offered to press their floor’s button for them. As I left the elevator the daughter said “bye bye” with a worried look that made me wonder if she though that I might not answer back. I smiled and said “see you” and she smiled back. This totally made my day.

Kindness has been a reoccurring theme this last month, yet that makes it all the more important to keep it in mind. Even the smallest things can bring joy to us all and every person we come across presents itself an opportunity for us to give back and spread good vibes around.

That girl didn’t have to say anything, and even though it was a simple courtesy, it’s impact still remains positive. Even if it’s something as simple as greeting the barista preparing your coffee order, there is always a chance to spread a positive (or negative if that’s what you want) influence on the people around you.

It's the simple things
Showing you care is one of the most powerful messages you can spread.


  1. Today’s assignment: Don’t limit your kindness to the people (or animals) you know. How else can you be kind?


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