YoM Day 26: Peace and Understanding

PSA: Let me first apologize for not posting these last few days. I just moved into a new apartment and the moving process, balancing work, and setting up gas+electricity in my apartment took priority over everything. That being said, I still don’t have internet and have to hang out at the local cafe to post these, so until internet is fully set-up I might not be posting every day.

Yesterday, we talked about the importance of finding happiness within the self. Today is a new day.
"I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace." Hellen Keller
When I think about being at peace, I don’t think that I know everything. Instead it’s like despite my lack of knowing what will or might be, I know that things are still okay. When I think about understanding, it is something that helps me feel at peace. The two go hand-in-hand.

While being at peace can give us the realization that we’re fine as-is, this understanding is also what helps us maintain that state of being. They balance each other out.

However, sharing is caring, and once you’ve reached a point where you’ve figured out how to be at peace in any situation, you become free. This understanding brings peace to yourself, which in turn can also be used to help others find peace within themselves, too.

The understanding required to find peace is simple – there is nothing to understand. We just need to be at peace.

The secret is that there is no secret. We had the power all along.

Understanding from peace
The sense of calm that comes from understanding that all is and will be.


  1. Today’s assignment: Consider what you would need to understand to find peace. For a few moments, drop that need and feel the peace.


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