Leaving Something Behind

People tend to be afraid of the unknown. It's why the dark is so often a fear for people. When we can't see we lose a lot of information and most of us don't know how to make sense of the world without our vision. This fear of the unknown also directly translates to death and what may lie beyond. It is also a survival mechanism that has kept us alive as a species this entire time.

When thinking about the purpose of life many people think about leaving behind a legacy. That means creating something that can be remembered for future generations. For most people it's their offspring. Beyond that there are inventors, political figures, and the like who are remembered for their contributions to the world. There are then artists who create works that express ideas, values, beliefs, and emotions. This desire to leave something behind goes back to the fear of the unknown and death. We don't know what will happen once our body dies and our brain ceases to function. It is this something that serves to keep us clinging to life even if it's to continue in the abstract.

In the words of Dr. Hiriluk, a character from my favorite comic One Piece,

“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when they are forgotten.”

I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to stay alive and thankfully the internet has made it much easier to leave something behind. Being immortalized through a legacy means you contributed to the world in your own way (sometimes unintentionally).

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the future and what I can do to give back to the world and so far all I have are the impressions I've made on people and my art. I may not have much to offer outside of my drawings, ideas, and musings; but I'm working toward increasing what I can give one step at a time.

Perhaps this is my way of trying to immortalize myself and I am subconsciously afraid of being left-behind and forgotten? I don't know. Even if it is, it's made me more productive in various aspects of my life. Totally worth.


Building your legacy
I create these pieces as a part of my legacy.They are a reflection of my thoughts and feelings. These treasures contain my soul.


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