Today I'm Thankful

I've always loved Thanksgiving. Not for it's (brutal) historical context, but for the time I've spent with my family over a wonderfully prepared dinner. When it comes to dinners, Thanksgiving and Christmas were always my favorites. Huge, lots of variety, and good people to share it all with. What more could a person ask for?

Most importantly, however, is why we gather together. In my family, we've always set some time to talk about the things we were thankful for and the hopes we have for the future before feasting. This meant the most to me. Yes, the food was great, but it was hearing about how the family was aware of how well-of we had it compared to those who weren't as fortunate as us. I didn't grow up in a rich household, but I had a roof over my head, food to eat, education, and loving people who were there to support me.

Today is the first day I spend Thanksgiving in a foreign country and away from my family. It's strange that I've found myself spending a dinner with my friends instead of family like I normally would. But what came of it was the feeling of being thankful to have connected with people who, during their vacation, took time to spend with me and share some laughs throughout the day. So while it feels strange that I won't be spending time with my the family I've come to grow up with, I've found others who I can also be proud to call 'family'.

I'm also thankful that I have a roof over my head. I'm thankful that I have money for food. I'm thankful that I have a pretty secure job that has given me a lot of interesting opportunities and experiences. I'm thankful that my students have welcomed me warmly into this country. I'm thankful that the bonds I created almost a decade ago during my high school years (during my home-stays in Japan) invite me over and enjoy my company. I'm thankful that I have found ways for me to contribute and give back to the world.

Lastly, I wanted to also show my appreciation to everyone who has stumbled onto this blog and took the time to look at what I've created. Thank you to everyone who has read my words and looked at my art. Cheers to everyone who has been on this journey with me thus far. This blog has given me time to sort out my thoughts and has become a motivation for me to take time to reflect on life and be more consistent with my art. The path I've been walking down has led me to meet so many amazing people and I look forward to what the future has in store.

Life is uncertain. If there's someone you really appreciate in your life I think it'll be a nice gesture to let them know that you're thinking of them. Even if it's a simple, "thank you," a little bit can go a long way and it might even make their day that much better.

No, it's not too early
As a token of my appreciation, this piece is being donated to deviantArt's holiday postcard event.


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