Letting it Out

Some things people say just leave a bad taste in my mouth. The world is getting ready for big changes (as it always does) and the modern world is as focused on making its presence known as ever. And you know what? All of this talk of political correctness, what "should be" in the world, and all of the childish bickering on all sides gets old fast. With how accessible mediums like Youtube and Facebook are in sharing your views, it's become much easier for us to spread information (and just as easily, misinformation). It's not even a matter of right or wrong that irks me, it's how some people tend to shove their values down your throat as if they were the all-knowing Oracle sent here to spread diving knowledge to the world. With all the bullshit that goes around unfiltered, sometimes I need to check-out and take a break from it all to cool my head.

During these times I usually sit in a quiet space and just reflect on things through meditation. I might sip on some tea and zone out to some music. Doing this helps me level my head and find my center. It keeps me from letting my emotions keep me from thinking rationally. It helps me let out the built up stress and anxiety that accumulate throughout the day. It also helps me filter out the meaningless aspects of my life and prioritize on the things that really matter. If you've never tried meditation (and it comes in so many forms. Even yoga, if practiced a certain way, is a form of meditation), I implore everyone to try it at least once.

With this focus in thought it becomes easier to see past the lies and desperate attempts to be in the spotlight that so often clutter our daily lives. It makes it easier to see when someone is being genuine or not. It's enabled me to see whether someone is trying to manipulate others or if they're genuinely trying to help. It's helped me be more empathetic and see the world through different perspectives (though I still have a long way to go). By letting out my stress and worries my days are filled with much less worry and I'm more easily able to see the positive side of things. It helps keep me maintain my composure in stressful situations. Most importantly, it helps me trust in my thoughts and intuitions.

I've been evaluating my own views and I can see how people might consider me arrogant, egotistical, and the exact thing I mentioned bothers me about some people. Upon this realization I've begun to think about how I want to convey my experiences (and yours) in a way that helps people without sounding like I'm telling you how to live your life or that I have all of the answers. My intention is to share the things that have helped me in my life and (hopefully) inspire people to do what they feel can bring out the best in themselves according to their desires. Regardless of how anyone comes to think of me I plan to continue down this path and I hope to not waver or deviate from it. In order to achieve that, sometimes I think I have to take a deep breath and let it all out from time to time.

Moving onward, I look forward to seeing my own growth, seeing what you have to say, and seeing how the world changes along the way.

Let it out
Take a deep breath and let it out


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