Hello Death

Sitting here, thinking away, I'm painfully aware                                                                            
...I'm dying...
No matter how I manage the settings
I can't stop the clock's hands from moving
Each turn, a swing, drawing slowly, surely
The left hook that never misses its target
Time is Death in the abstract

The reaper's grip drops subtle hints as I go throughout my days
I admire the shinigami for their fox-like wit
How is it they congregate and decide our fates?
What will Yama have in store for me on the other side, I wonder
I await patiently for the angel to tell my fortune
Fret not, Umbanda will surely come
What's this? I can't imagine Izanami being late, for she loves these get-togethers
No need to be impatient, The Emissary is stern and knows to be prompt
I don't think directions will be a problem for The Ferryman
The Ankou is quite reliable and sees all
Nevertheless, I can see Azrail greeting me with a friendly "hello"
But of course I shall offer something to drink
My soul will suffice, nothing less for a dear quest
Still so much to do before the fated hour

For now, I think I hear the tea-water boiling
'Tis a perfect time to relax. Best to drink up while it's still hot

A little late Halloween-inspired poem. I find it interesting how Death is represented in so many different ways. Despite cultural differences, we seem to enjoy personifying Death as a guide. The destination differs, but these cultures seem to all believe in another life after death. The ouroboros, representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, is something I've been very interested in.

Perhaps wishful thinking caused our ancestors to think of so many elaborate stories for the afterlife as a means to further cling onto the idea of living. Or maybe there really is another life after the one we currently inhabit? It's one of the biggest mysteries and fascinates me to no end. 


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