Negative Mindsets

Complainers, whiners, gripers, downers, pessimists. We know what they're like and we all know at least one. As a child, I didn't understand why I was so reluctant to being around such people, but over time I grew to recognize how their negative energies had affected me. 

One thing Jim Rohn, someone whose work has given me inspiration, once said is that complaining is a deadly disease. The ones that complain about the weather. The people that gripe about the taste of their food. That guy who whines about how other people make more money than them despite how hard they work. That girl who talks shit about Tiffany for "being a stuck-up bitch" behind her back. The men who go around saying how unfair and messed up the world is. The women who project their anger out on everyone else because they didn't end up as successful as they hoped they would. The people who read the newspaper, see articles about death and tragedy; and end up too afraid to go anywhere because they think the world is too dangerous. 

These people are toxic. 

There's a different between constructive criticism and being a negative Nancy all day. There's a difference between acknowledging the problems in this world and expressing disappointment over everything all of the time. We know life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. This world is unfair and some of us feel like the cards are stacked against us. We all have bad days and that's an unfortunate truth. However, I think people often forget to ask themselves this simple question: what does complaining and being negative about everything actually accomplish?

Your outlook on life can change immensely once things are seen from a different perspective. There are countless studies on how your outlook on life drastically affects your thinking and the actions you take. Negativity increases your cortisol levels (which indicate how stressed out you are), which has a multitude of negative-effects on your mind and body. Stress is essentially negativity manifested in your life condition. Stress hinders you in almost every way whether it's your immune system to how well you rest. Negative people tend to be less motivated and as a result often take less action toward their goals and aspirations. Many just give up on their dreams altogether. Stress is poison that shuts us down and makes the world suck.

I've met plenty of people in school and at my previous jobs and the one thing I observed every time is that the negative people tend to achieve much less. They spite failure and view it as inadequacy. They dislike and try avoiding challenge and hardship because they start seeing it as bad. They complain about working long hours and always being tired. It ends up destroying their self-confidence and puts them in a downward spiral. They focus so much on the bad that they don't see all of the good that is and could be compared to those who were optimistic. They’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and stopping themselves from reaching newer heights. 

In contrast, positive people tend to be more optimistic. They see their failures as learning opportunities and grow from them. They see challenge as an opportunity and face it head-on so they can become stronger. As a result, they tend to be happier and love the world they live in. These people are hungry and they bust their ass to get their meal tickets.

There might be a lot of wrong in this world, but that's not what's important to think about. Instead, the people who focus on what they want/can do to make the world better tend to produce the results because they're actively looking toward a brighter future. All of this starts with how they look at the world; our mindset. These people see hope, which plants the seeds of success in the long-run. If you feed off of negativity, how can you expect to produce anything positive in life?

You become what you think. 


Sometimes you just need to chill out and give someone a high-five


  1. What are some things that really upset you and make it hard to stay positive in life?


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