Envisioning a Future

I was thinking about the future and the world I'd like to live in. They call it a "vision" for a reason. In order to create something, we have to be able to "see" it with our mind's eye.

When it comes to the future, people who are stuck in the past are doomed to repeat their mistakes and never move forward. It's like trying to navigate a labyrinth walking backwards while blindfolded. It can be done, but why put yourself through that? In the same sense that writing down your goals and aspirations helps you focus on keeping your life on track, envisioning the future you want to live in helps to remind you of the road you need to take in order to reach the final destination. It helps wipe the fog off of the windows of our life and makes things clearer.

Once you start thinking about the future you want to live in, all that's left is to think about how to get there and then taking action to manifest it into reality. The clearer the vision, the easier it becomes to take action. I often hear people talk about what they want to do but forget to mention what they're doing to get there. Many honestly have no clue and haven't thought that far ahead yet. Having dreams is great, but if you're not actively doing anything to get to your destination, you're not gonna get any closer to it.

For many of us, going to school is a first step toward realizing our goals; however, in my mind school is only a place to receive education and nothing more. Sure, you get a piece of paper that validates your hard work, but the market value of the standard four-year degree has gone down and most businesses want and highly value people with actual experience.

In other words, if all you did was go to school and not actively take steps toward getting some exposure in the field you want to work in, you're not too far from square-one. In comparison, the person who had a clear vision of what they wanted to do will have a better idea of the steps needed to get there and is more likely to have actually taken action during their university years. This might include being a teacher's assistant, getting an entry-level position in a company related to your major, or starting your own website to build a portfolio of your work. It can be whatever so long as it serves to help clear the mist from the path.

Reach for the stars and chase your dreams. Whatever future you want to live in...once you see it, reach out and grasp it with your own hands.


Chase your Dreams
Grasp firmly and hold on until you reach the destination


  1. What future do you want to see? What sorts of things are you doing to realize it?


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