Beauty in Character

"Beautiful things don't ask for attention."

In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, one of the characters says this as he refers to one of the world's more elusive creatures, the snow leopard. I believe this to be true in our lives as well. We've all met people who go out of their way to try being the center of attention. Some people want to be the star everywhere they go. Many refer to such people as attention whores. The nature of gaining attention often requires standing out from the crowd, so such people naturally come in many forms. I tend to think of such people as selfish and not genuine. To me, their need for attention is a reflection of their insecurities (they cling to validation as their source of happiness), uncertainties (identity, what to do in life, etc.), and

Conversely, when I think of people who are genuine, I think of beauty. I think of something in balance. I think of something in its natural state. I think of a lone wolf standing in an open field covered in snow; silent, observant, and focused. I see it carefully tracking its prey so it can survive for a couple more days.

When I think of beauty, I think of something dedicating its time and committing to what it has to do to get to where it needs to go. I think of the fieldworker spending his days under the boiling sun as he pours blood and sweat into harvesting the crop's yield. I think of how they bust their ass all day without a single word. They know their role and don't bother complaining about the conditions. I think of the person's character; not their looks, status, or fame.

People who dedicate their time toward improving themselves, helping others, or sharing with the world tend to not care so much about how people think of them. Instead, they tend to think about whether their actions are taking them closer to achieving their goals. I see people who improve themselves and work towards goals that benefit others as productive. I see them as a spark of inspiration. I see them as being strong-willed enough to overcome any hardship. I see them as having the dignity to rely on their own strengths. I see these people as earnest hard workers worth respecting. I see them as having character.

They say actions speak louder than words. I think they also showcase ones true beauty. What do you think?

Beauty in character
The eyes show our true worth.


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