True Love is When...

True love is when you love somebody so much that despite your romantic or sexual preferences; moods or state of mind; casual or serious moments; normal or inebriated, are allowed to fully express yourself in your most natural state without any concern for being judged or praised.

True love is when social norms and values mean nothing when it comes to your ability to appreciate that person for who they are. It transcends social labels and bypasses any pre-existing notions for what you considered the “perfect” life partner to be.

It’s the moment where you realize your world’s been shaken. What was once monotone is now vibrant and full of life. It is the spark that gives you the necessary inspiration to create. Whether every moment is fleeting by, or every instance crawls slowly into place, it’s a sweet feeling you wish would never go away.

You love how they always piss you off, yet you love how they can do that and still be your favorite. Your inspiration. Your fire. Your reason. Your meaning. Your remix. Yin – yang.
True love is the ability to envision what the future could be like if you chose a certain path. It is being able to see how things could stop being. It’s when you realize that it doesn’t matter which way it goes anymore as long as you don’t resist thinking about the moments you had. Where you naturally see the signs and learn to embrace everything that’s around you.

Learn…every day offers new insights in some way because you’re always seeking to learn more. It becomes fun. Natural.

True love is when even after parting ways and feeling betrayed and broken, you find a way to forgive and grow from the experience. Where you acknowledge what happened as being necessary to help you achieve the next level and so you overcome your loss and learn to love again.

True love is when you can start over.

True love is when you’re allowed to be.


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