Take Time to Ponder

Whenever we think of something it usually stays in the backs of our minds, whether we're conscious of it or not. What this does is eventually help to cultivate these thoughts into ideas that we can use to expand upon.

When I was younger I was told that I should write at least 5 goals for myself that I want to accomplish within the next 5 years. They told me to keep this list of goals somewhere that I would likely see every day. Even better if it's when I wake up. The purpose was to remind myself of what I aspire to become and where I want to go in life. By reminding myself, I would start thinking about my goals more often.

One goal I wrote for myself in high school was to find a way to raise enough money to go on the school's Japan trip during the summer. I really wanted to go, so I got to thinking. Now that I knew what my objective was, I then thought about how I would raise the money. I knew that burdening my parents wasn't an option and I also wanted to achieve raising the money on my own. I ended up getting a job on the weekends. Of course, being a teenager who found himself with a solid source of money for the first time, I wanted to spend it on everything: clothes, games, food, etc. However, I had a mission: save money to go to Japan, and writing my goals down helped me remember not to spend all of my earnings on other things. As a result, I went to Japan every year until I graduated. Then I moved to Japan. Now, I want to help Japan grow.

That experience taught me so many things. If you truly commit to something, you'll find a way to make it happen. If you remind yourself of what you want to accomplish in life, you'll think about how to make it happen more. When you focus on your mission, you might have a setback or two, but nothing fully stop you if you push hard enough. This applies to anything in life, whether it's acing a test, getting into a university/job you want, gaining muscle mass, dropping weight, creating art, sharing your ideas with the world, anything. All it takes is some time to think about what it is you want, writing it down, and taking action once you've thought about how you're gonna make it happen.

So take a few minutes to ponder some of your goals in life. Write them down. Remind yourself. Trust yourself. You'll make it happen.


When we focus we can see the other side; see where we need to go in life


  1. What are some of your goals in life?

    My goals:
    Continue to develop this blog
    Run a half-marathon
    Get my next belt in aikido
    Finish at least one art piece a week
    Start learning music programming


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