Seeing the Other Room

Within the pursuit of knowledge I see the other room
a different perspective, an assimilation of ideas that create a new whole
A hole that has been filled with different truths
“Truths,” they say, yet until the next lesson they are merely a placeholder
It is the end of an era, the birth of a new reality
It is a shroud that has been lifted and will no longer come back down
Everything looks different. Did it get a new coat of paint? A haircut?
“I used to like this, but now it’s crap”
Or is it no longer what you remember it to be? An apple from a different tree?
I look to close the door, but it won’t let me.  It remains open for my world to see
Maybe I’m overthinking it, my mind’s overflowing like the beer tap
It opens up for its scholarly needs, but can’t wait to be shut
quickly, before it begins to drown
in its thoughts, its new reality
A reality that has changed – the new stakeholder
In our perspective and our truth. A true sleuth
in the art of changing paradigms. Unlocking the keyhole.
Through the pursuit of knowledge I've seen into the other room

Seeing other worlds
Doors to other worlds remain open for us to see


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