Learn how to Back Flip

As a kid, one of my favorite things was jumping on trampolines. Not the small exercise ones, either, but the big blue ones that could fit a bunch of people. These are the best! I was always the smallest of the group, so it was easy for others to bounce me up really high, and at first it was both frightening and exhilarating. Eventually, I got over my fears and started learning how to do flips. Let me tell you, they're awesome.

When you jump really high on a trampoline, the hang-time you have while high in the air feels liberating. It feels peaceful. There's a certain calm when you find yourself at the top. That's probably why it's called getting high, not getting low. It feels good up there. When you do flips, it's a whole different experience. It's a different kind of calm. When you do a flip, you can't think about what you're doing. You just have to do it. With front flips, it's much easier to see what you're doing and orient yourself correctly. They're fun, they're fast, and when you get good enough, each flip feels like time slows down so you can enjoy it more. With back flips, it's a little different. If you hesitate, you can mess up and hurt yourself more easily. That's why they're dangerous, but so fun to do when done right. The main difference is that you have to trust yourself completely when doing back flips. And that trust is what's so important.

When you don't trust yourself in anything in life, you hesitate. What happens when you hesitate? You miss out on so many opportunities! Whether it's dating, getting a job, hanging out with friends, learning a skill, etc., if you hesitate you hold yourself back from taking that crucial first-step into exploring a whole new world. You lower your self-esteem because you'll never know whether you could or could not. When you hesitate, you're not putting your heart into it, not giving it your 110%.

When you learn to trust yourself, your life changes so much. You'll no longer second-guess yourself. You won't ask everyone what you should/shouldn't do. You'll make your own decisions. You might need some help along the way, but you'll be the one paving that path. As you learn to trust yourself, you'll be able to accomplish anything. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "if you do not see it and if you do not believe it, who else will?"

So learn how to back flip
Trust yourself
Be free


trust yourself
Go with the flow


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