Expanding Perspective

Perspective shapes everything we experience. As children, we've yet to be completely grounded in the reality we create for ourselves. One thing that makes them so interesting is that their perspective on life is so full of possibilities in comparison to many adults who have convinced themselves of what's possible and what isn't. The difference is that children have yet to ingrain into their heads the construct of impossibility, which is something we've created. Unlike many adults, they dream of being able to travel to other worlds, do magic, and see into other universes, all with the power of your imagination.

Science shows us that the possibilities are endless. We keep discovering new things, and with each new discovery, we unlock more ideas as to what's possible. As this cycle continues, what was once impossible becomes possible. Never say something is impossible, and the essence of science is that of questioning everything about our reality. How do you know? Based on your current knowledge? Are you saying there is nothing further to discover? To learn? I think these mentalities are exactly what stunts our progress as people and is partly our own arrogance as a species that does this. It's when we start questioning everything that we learn that there is still more to learn, to discover, to create. The struggle of the philosopher, the scientist, or scholar of any kind is endless. However with the struggle comes understanding and expansion.

The innovators of our history were the ones who continued to ask questions. They were the ones who persisted in finding another way to realize their goals. They were the people who never gave up in realizing their dreams. Before the Wright brothers struggled through doubt and strife, people thought flying would be an impossibility. They refused to accept it and overcame their doubts. They pushed and pushed until the stone finally budged. Since then we've managed to send air crafts to different planets and are developing jets that can travel at hypersonic speeds (5-6 times faster than the speed of sound)! Each time there was someone who claimed it was an impossibility. Each time that was based on their understanding of the world. Before Roger Bannister ran the 4-minute mile, people thought that too, was an impossibility. Now, hundreds of people achieve this in events annually.

As I've been working with children, I've started to remember what it was like having an open canvas of a mind. Seeing them explore the world with so much curiosity helps me remember that what's possible is limited to our ability to explore and be adventurous. Furthermore, they LOVE to learn. Seeing the spark in their eyes as they continue to form new ideas and conclusions about the world is fascinating, and in turn has helped me grow. They learn from me, and I learn from them.

Nothing is impossible so long as you continue to believe it and open your mind to the possibilities. One way to do this is to learn from other people. We all share different perspectives on life, so what better way to learn about different methods of looking outside the box than to learn and understand someone who already sees the outside differently? Many people talk about learning from aliens, but in actuality, aren't we all alien from one-another? Most of us don't truly understand one-another, which is why we have conflict. So take a second to learn from the people you interact with. Try to understand where they're coming from. This is what's known as empathy, and the more we learn to empathize with each other, the more we can understand each other. The more we learn to understand the people around us, the more our perspective on life evolves. The more our point-of-view evolves, the more the world around us changes.

Unlock the Mind
Unlock the mind, expand perspective


  1. What are things you can do to expand your perspective?


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