A World I'd Like to Live in

I'm an idea man. When thinking about life, it's in our nature to predict the future based on what we know. Oftentimes we overestimate our abilities and end up wrong, BUT, we do it anyway. It's fun, yeah? Many of my dreams end up taking place in the future and on occasion I'll encounter a situation and remember a dream that was eerily similar to that particular moment. Déjà vu. I digress.

The future I envision is one based on sharing. I see a future where the norm is to do things for others not out of an obligation or in hope of reaping a future benefit, but to do things purely because we want to and we hope that we are able to uplift others in doing so. In other words, we do things for others in order to spread the love. Nothing more, no ulterior motives, just paying it forward.

I see a future where rather than trying to fit in with others, we encourage each other to develop our own special set of skills. We encourage each other to create our unique signature on life's manuscript; develop our own weirdness. A future where money isn't the objective, and that by focusing on making others happy, those people in return help us out and fill our lives with wealth. A future without business models, plans, or structures, where people go to work due to a genuine desire and not as a means of survival. Where the majority of people actually enjoy their jobs, not the other way around. A future where job becomes synonymous with acting toward fulfilling one's passion(s) in life. Imagine how different things would be if people did what they loved, continued to develop those skills, shared it with others (made a career out of it), and that it was the usual thing to do in life? How much more productive, happy, fulfilled in life, and successful people would be if we approached our life that way rather than which career path is the most lucrative? You get the idea.

Can this become a reality? I think so, but it all starts with the self. If we truly desire it our minds are capable of achieving the impossible, and impossible is just a boundary we've yet to cross. I've already thought of the idea, so the next step is taking action toward making it real. I have to start with working on myself. We have to create our future if we want to see it. I have many ideas about things I'd like to see happen in the world and since I'm no inventor or business leader, plan to leave them for anyone to use as they see fit. Whether you use these ideas to create something different or straight up work toward making them an actual thing is up to you. I am merely throwing these ideas out to share with you because that's the kind of world I plan to live in. 

                                                                                                           What is it you desire?

                                                                                                                     Peace & Love
"City of Dreams" - a collaborative piece.


  1. What's your ideal future? What do you see? What do you want to see change?


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