YoM Day 66: Investing in the self

Yesterday, I talked about gaining knowledge and wisdom. Today is a new day.
"Life begets life. Energy becomes energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich." - Sarah Bernhardt
Life is full of so many interesting things. There's so much it has to offer that even experiencing just a fraction of what's possible enriches us so much. However, life doesn't just come to us, it's a push-pull relationship. We have to seek out these experiences. Sitting at home all day wondering what could be or pondering the what-ifs won't get us anywhere. The only way to live is to get out there and do things. In order to achieve anything, taking action is necessary.

Whether it's money, relationships, or your health, we have to invest something to gain something. In the gym we have to invest time, effort, and patience to get stronger. With saving up money, we have to invest time and delay gratification in order to accumulate the funds we want. In starting a business, we have to invest a lot of time, money, and resources into getting it started (a little luck and some connections help, too). A lot of my other posts mention the benefits of giving. In this case, what we're giving is what we're investing in order to gain something. Patience truly is a virtue and by investing in something, no matter what the purpose, we become better off for it.

Investing in ourselves is the key to living happily. One thing I've been doing to invest in myself is to listen to various lectures and go to the gym regularly. I've also become more conscious of my food-intake so that I can live a more balanced lifestyle. I'm saving up my money to make sure I can live securely in the future, but I also realize the importance of treating myself every once-in-a-while. Living frugally 100% of the time sucks, so I'll grab a chocolate bar or some ice cream every now and then. I also went on vacation last week in Shirahama and hiking at Mt. Rokko. Taking purposeful breaks is another way to invest in yourself.

Through such investments, you gain more to appreciate in life, and that's what truly makes you rich. It's the simple things that keep us sane.

Mountains of Shirahama
Hiking through the mountains of Shirahama was a good reminder for me to take time for myself and relax every now and then.


  1. Today's assignment: find something to spend yourself on that makes you rich with life's energy.


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