YoM Day 64: Moving forward

Yesterday, I talked about living according to how we want to. Today is a new day.
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." - John Barrymore
When on door closes, another one opens. When we miss out on any opportunity, it also means that there are other possible paths for us to walk down. There will never be nothing for us to do.

When I got my Associate's Degree I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I applied to my local university and didn't get it. I felt disappointed and had to re-think my plans. Wanting to make a difference now, I decided to try enlisting with the Navy. I passed everything except my eyes. My eyes are terrible and the doctor's in charge of recruitment wouldn't give me a waiver. These same doctors were also calling the shots for the Air Force and the Army, which I tried going through. Once again a door closed and I had to re-think my plans. I decided to apply to a different university this time and I got in and took another step forward.

By this time I had put more thought into what I wanted to do with my life and where I wanted to go. When I approached graduation I now had to think about which jobs I would apply for. Among them, I thought that I'd want to live in Japan for a while. I applied for a position to teach English in Japan (among many other jobs) and after going through the interviews and tests I didn't get the job. I was shut-out and I had to get back to thinking.

Yet another door closed, and I took an office job entering in data for peoples' medical records. The pay was decent, the job was straight-forward, and it gave me time to reconsider the path I wanted to walk down. I thought I'd give teaching in Japan another go and applied to a different organization. After going through another hiring process, I got the job. I was able to move forward once again and almost a year later I'm still living in Japan teaching English and I'm now thinking about more plans for the future.

My life has had its patterns. Fail, experiment (trying other paths), and succeed (taking a step forward). No matter what the case, there's always a path for us to walk down if we're willing to keep searching. Failure forced me to keep thinking and by doing so I found alternative routes for me to take. In my case, old doors can also re-open if we really want to see the other side. Being open to the possibilities and persistence are what help us take that next step in life.

Hiking in Shirahama
The path ahead might not always be clear, but there's always a way to move forward.


  1. Today's assignment: leave a few doors open for happiness.


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