YoM Day 61: Taking Responsibility

Yesterday, I talked about maintaining harmony in life. Today is a new day.
"I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Nothing, no matter how small, doesn't have any consequences. Even a simple thought can shape your perception of a situation. Newton's third law of thermodynamics is like the philosophy of karma: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. 

In the same sense, nothing happens without a cause. We choose to not take care of ourselves and get out of shape. We choose to get an education and prepare ourselves for the real-world after graduation. We choose to burn bridges and stop contacting certain people. We choose to put in the time and dedication to succeed at anything set our minds to.

It may be true that some things are out of our control; however, the mentality behind thinking that everything that's happening (good and bad) is up to probability and out of our control versus thinking that you are responsible for everything in our lives changes how we respond to things. In one, we have someone that just accepts that things happen and doesn't do anything to change their lives. In the other, we have someone that reflects upon and learns from their experiences (mistakes, successes, etc.).

Not to confuse being responsible for something with being the cause of something, being responsible means that regardless of why something happened, we now have to take action in order to move forward. It also means being mindful of what we do and seeing how our actions will influence our future; like how putting off writing an essay until the deadline means you're going to have to kick things into overtime in order to get it done. Of course we knew when it was due, we just chose to not work on it until the last possible minute. Where there's a will, there's a way to make time for everything. We only have ourselves to blame.

Mt. Rokko staircase
Life is a long and steep road that is shaped by our thoughts and actions.


  1. Today's assignment: what consequences have your thoughts had, even if you haven't expressed or acted on them?


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