YoM Day 50: A Helping Hand

Yesterday, I talked about our desire to give. Today is a new day.

“Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” - Rainer Maria Rilke

I feel like all Hitler needed as a child was a hug and someone loving to talk to. He needed a bro. Maybe then things would have been different? All jokes aside, I don’t think there is such thing as something that is inherently “bad” or “evil”. Cause and effect applies to everything in one way or another, so such beings are created, whether by the hands of abuse or through misunderstandings, not born.

Throughout my studies in psychology, a common thing I’d read about regarding deviancy and “abnormal” behavior is that people often (whether consciously or not) resort to doing “bad” things as a cry for attention. Like the child knocking their plate off the table in hopes that their parents will notice and scold them. Any attention is better than none.

A friend of mine is going through some depression and she’s been posting a lot of memes and whatnot on facebook. Occasionally she’ll post something regarding depression and they’re become more and more estranged. Many might write it off as simply craving sympathy and validation. Having experienced depression myself, I feel like it’s a call for someone to come help her. She could of course simply ask for help directly, but depression isn’t logical, nor is the state of mind when under it’s influence.

Society likes to look away from what it doesn’t find pleasant. “Ignore it enough and it’ll go away”, perhaps? Whatever the reason might be, the signs are often there when something goes awry and if we simply ignore them who knows what might come of them? Ignoring them backs troubled people into a corner and when that happens the dynamite goes off and these cries for help reach extremes. That’s how we have things like shootings, suicides, and sociopaths who threw away their ability to empathize with others.

We all go through hardship. Sometimes all it takes is reaching out to someone in need to help them out. 
Osaka loop line
Depression is a long and lonely road. What may look fine could very well be screaming for someone to listen.


  1. Today’s assignment: Consider what “terrible thing” you’d like to help.


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